The 2022 calendar year saw a number of critical restoration and repair efforts take place at OLV National Shrine & Basilica, inside and out.  

There was no shortage of scaffolding surrounding the Basilica throughout the Spring and into colder months.  The Shrine's deteriorating storm drainage system has been at the root of much damage in recent years.  Considerable work was done on the masonry, gutters and roofs.

In addition, renovation of two community spaces within the Basilica's lower level was completed in time for their dedication in August of 2022.  The Marian Room and newly christened Susan E. Brvenik Community Room are now able to better accomodate meetings, seminars and functions.  

A special thank you goes to our friends at the National Fund for Sacred Places for providing funds for some of these important projects.

Stay updated...

It is our commitment to keep the community up to date as this exciting project gets underway and continues for the next several weeks. 

  • If you have any questions or concerns at all, just call the Rectory at (716) 828-9444. 
  • We will also be communicating through the parish bulletin and parishioner robocalls and our social media channels ... if you don’t already follow us on social media, now is the perfect time to do so!

Support our Shrine!

Click below to support these ongoing preservation efforts to ensure OLV National Shrine & Basilica is able to remain a point of pride for our Western New York community. Every gift makes a big difference!