Ministries & Volunteers
There is a place for everyone to serve and be served at OLV National Shrine & Basilica. Some of the opportunities available are listed below. If you have questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact us at (716) 828-9444. Click here to download our parish ministry guide. To get started right away, download, print and return our volunteer form.
Altar & Rosary Society
The Altar & Rosary Society cares for the altar and shares in a special devotion to the Rosary. Its members also tend to the altar linens and assist in providing altar flowers for special celebrations. Members meet on a regular basis to recite the rosary, discuss preparations, and have some social time.
Altar Servers (Adult)
In addition to children who serve on the weekends, Adult Altar Servers are needed for funerals and other special celebrations that take place.
Altar Servers (Child)
Children who have made their First Holy Communion are invited to participate at Mass by becoming Altar Servers. Training sessions are held as needed.
Catechists in our Faith Formation program share their faith with students and guide them on their journey. Catechists teach young people how to apply and live out their faith, grounded in the official teachings of the Church. The role of the catechist is a vital one.
Children’s Liturgy
Once a month, the 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday is the Children’s Liturgy. Children are invited to participate in the liturgy as greeters, ushers, servers, lectors, and singers in the folk group. Adult volunteers and teens are needed to help with this program. They help to give young people guidance and direction for participating in the liturgy in a meaningful way.
Columbiettes #2243
The Columbiettes are ordinary ladies who are proud of reaching out and helping those less fortunate by meeting the needs of people in their communities. A Columbiette must be at least 18 years of age and in full communion with the Catholic Church. For more information please contact Linda Smolen by emailing [email protected] or calling (716) 418–3542.
Preparing the Basilica for Christmas and Easter requires the help of many hands. Volunteer decorators are needed at these two special times of the year to help make the Shrine’s environment festive, warm, and welcoming.
Docents/Tour Guides
Docents lead groups on tours of the Basilica and help them to understand OLV’s rich history. They also have the task of fostering an encounter with the legacy of Father Baker for our guests and visitors.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Anyone devoted to the Eucharist, and having made the sacrament of Confirmation, is eligible to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. These individuals assist the Ordinary Ministers (priests and deacons) by distributing Holy Communion at Mass and to those in need at home. Both a Diocesan and OLV training session are required.
Maintaining the parish grounds is an essential part of a warm and welcoming experience. Our volunteer gardeners work diligently to ensure that the Basilica’s landscape reflects the glory of God’s creation and beauty.
A friendly smile and a willing heart are all that is required for this ministry. Anyone, of any age, can assist before Mass by warmly welcoming people to our celebrations and distributing Mass programs to them. After Mass, greeters stand at the doors, wish people a warm farewell, and distribute bulletins. You can volunteer as an individual or as a family.
Knights of Columbus - Fr. Baker Council #2243
Members of the Knights of Columbus strive to embody principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism, while acting on their Faith-in-Action programs. Catholic men at least 18 years of age are encouraged to become a Knight. For information, contact Eugene Mendrysa by emailing [email protected] or calling 716-207-9036
Lectors proclaim God’s Word at Mass and lead the Prayers of the Faithful when no deacon is present. Participation in this special ministry requires a training session at OLV. Lectors are then scheduled on a quarterly basis.
Music Ministry
We invite those interested to share their time and musical talents in order to create uplifting liturgies. OLV offers an adult choir, as well as a cantor program. Additionally, we have a folk group that sings at the 10 a.m. Mass on Sundays.
OLV Pro-Life Ministry
Our faith community values the dignity of human life from the very moment of conception until natural death. This ministry seeks to educate, advocate, provide outreach and support, and pray for matters concerning pro-life issues. At its core, this ministry seeks to put our Gospel values into action by promoting and cultivating a Culture of Life within our parish and in the wider community. For more information, please contact: Mrs. Sarah Lindstrom at [email protected].
OLV Service Club
The mission of the Our Lady of Victory Service Club is to continue Father Baker's vision of service and compassion for the poor and those in need. Members strive to provide guidance for our youth by emphasizing the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
This is the process by which adults become members of the Catholic Church and are introduced to Church doctrine, life, worship, and service. This group meets weekly on Thursday evenings. Parishioners are invited to share their faith, offer hospitality, and provide personal support.
Sacristans support the liturgical life of the parish by setting up for Masses, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and other special occasions. Sacristans are also responsible for the care of sacred vessels after all liturgical celebrations.
School Volunteers
OLV Elementary School (PK-8) welcomes parishioners to share their time and talents with its students. Volunteers are needed to assist in classrooms, in the cafeteria, and for special events. Additionally, if you have a special skill or knowledge that you would like to share with a particular age group, please contact us at (716) 828-7592 or [email protected].
St. Vincent de Paul Society
This organization offers person-to-person assistance to those in need. Members meet monthly to pray and share insights regarding client visitations. Activities include investigation of need, home visits, pick-up and delivery of food, and phone calls to meet the needs of clients.
Ushers seat late-comers, direct gift bearers for the offertory procession, take up the offertory collection, and direct the congregation for the reception of Holy Communion. People both young and old can serve as ushers.
Victorious Hearts – Marriage Ministry
This ministry aims to gather our parish couples who are eager to build a stronger sense of community and deepen their connection to the Catholic faith. This ministry welcomes engaged and married couples into the family-life dimensions of the parish, while assisting them in their relational and spiritual growth as a couple. Volunteers can serve as mentor couples, greeters, or hospitality hosts.
Victory for Christ Prayer Group
Meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings, this ministry seeks to bring the needs of the parish and community before the Lord in a special way. Participants meet in the Chapel on the Lower Level of the Basilica and give praise, thanks, and witness to God.