A Message from Rev. Msgr. David G. LiPuma
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to welcome you to OLV National Shrine & Basilica.
In 1926, after Father Baker’s vision was completed; Pope Pius XI designated our church as the second Basilica in the United States. This Basilica designation gives it a special relationship with our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and to the Vatican.
As a National Shrine, we are a destination site for upwards of 30,000 pilgrims and visitors from all over the world. People come to visit the tomb of Venerable Nelson Baker, our founder, who is a candidate for canonization and whose final resting place is inside the Basilica. The Father Baker Museum can be found on the lower level of the Basilica. It tells the story of Father Baker's life and legacy.
Many worshippers, pilgrims, and visitors find the Basilica a place of great comfort and peace as they come to pray for themselves and their loved ones. Many others come to take in the beauty of the Basilica itself. All are welcome!
Additionally, the OLV parish has 1,800 registered households. We have an elementary school (Pre-K through 8th Grade), which for more than 120 years has been educating students. We also have an active Religious Education Program along with a wide variety of parish-based organizations and activities.
I hope you find this website helpful in locating information about our magnificent Basilica and our parish. Thank you for learning about our humble “City of Charity” and I invite you to visit us at any time.
May God bless you and Our Lady of Victory watch over you!
Rev. Msgr. David G. LiPuma
Pastor and Rector, OLV National Shrine & Basilica
President, Our Lady of Victory Institutions