Solemn Novenas
March 11 - 19
In Honor of St. Joseph
Closing Day: Feast of St. Joseph
May 16 - 24
In Honor of Our Blessed Mother
Closing Day: Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians
July 8 - 16
In Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Victory
Closing Day: Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
August 7 - 15
In Honor of Our Lady's Assumption
Closing Day: Feast of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin into Heaven
September 29 - October 7
In Honor of Our Lady of Victory
Closing Day: Feast of Our Lady of Victory
December 17 - 25
In Honor of the Infant Jesus
Closing Day: Christmas
In addition to the Solemn Novenas above, two special devotions are conducted each year:
November 1 - 30
A month of special prayers for all the faithful departed, and particularly for all our departed associates, members, benefactors, and workers. In addition, Twenty Masses are said during the month for the intentions of those enrolled.