Sunday Morning Program: Grades 1 -9

Our classes will gather in the OLV Elementary School cafeteria at 8:40 a.m. for opening prayer and announcements.  Parents are welcome to join us for this group session prior to the start of class.  Classes are dismissed at 9:50 a.m.  Please wait in the main hallway for your child, unless otherwise directed by your child’s teacher or office staff.  If you need to have you child released early, please notify the office prior to the start of class.

Wednesday Bi-Weekly Program: Grades 4-9

Our classes will gather in the OLV Elementary School cafeteria at 6 p.m. for opening prayer and announcements. Classes are dismissed at 7:15 p.m.  ALL students will be dismissed by the teachers from the side cafeteria door.  Please pull up on the side of the building for dismissal.

Family Faith Home Study Program

Parents will work with their children to complete the provided lessons at HOME including online videos, discussions questions, and quizzes.  These lessons will be provided and reviewed by the Faith Formation Director. Family attendance is required at the family sessions in October, December, February and April.

Family Faith Formation - 4 Times a Year

During these IN-PERSON sessions, students and their families will gather with other families to explore our faith. These sessions will take place in October, December, February, and April. Sessions start at 10 a.m. with Family Mass in the Basilica. Immediately following, we will gather in the Elementary School cafeteria. These sessions will end around 12:30 p.m.

To participate, please complete the re-registration form and return it to the Religious Education Office as soon as possible. New families may use the registration form that is labeled "new." Upon registering, please consider the expectations of a Catholic family here at OLV National Shrine & Basilica:

  • Participation in weekly Mass and the Sacraments.
  • Support and involvement in the life of the parish.
  • A supportive attitude toward the parish and the Religious Education Program.

Adult Confirmation

Adult confirmation is offered in the fall.  To take part, contact: Father Romulus at (716) 828-9444.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Classes that prepare candidates for membership into the Catholic faith are offered yearly in our parish. New members are introduced and welcomed at the Easter Vigil Mass. For more information, contact the Rectory at (716) 828-9444.

Religious Education Forms 2023-24: