O, Victorious lady!
Here at OLV, the phrase "She Did It All!" is common. It appears countless times in the writings of Venerable Nelson Baker and current publications. It's even written on the door (for all to see) to the Father Baker Museum in the lower level of the Basilica. It was the saintly priest's favorite response when a benefactor, member of the media, or elected official would give him credit for the "City of Charity" he built right here in Buffalo, N.Y.
Indeed, the impact the Blessed Mother, under the title of Our Lady of Victory, has had -- and continues to have -- on the OLV Campus is well known. But, how much do you know? Do you include Mary in your prayers?
This page will help you on both counts. May Our Lady of Victory bless and protect you and your loves ones!
- History of the Title
- A Seminarian & His Promise
- Listen to an episode of the OLV Podcast featuring the topic
- Prayer to Our Lady of Victory
- Father Baker's Prayer to Our Lady of Victory
- Litany to Our Lady of Victory
- Request an "O, Victorious Lady" Prayer Card
History of the Title
The origin of the Feast of Our Lady of Victory dates back to 1571. On October 7 of that year, the allied forces of the Holy League, an alliance of major Christian maritime states, defeated the powerful fleet of the Ottoman Empire in a battle that took place off the coast of Greece. The battle marked the first significant victory for any such force over a Turkish fleet.
Leading up to the engagement, Pope Pius V had asked for the faithful to pray the rosary from dawn to dusk -- throughout the battle. When the European forces were triumphant, the victory was attributed to the power of praying the rosary. Not too long after, the Feast of Our Lady of Victory (also known as the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary) was added to the Church calendar.
A Seminarian & His Promise
For young Nelson Baker, a 32-year old seminarian, a pilgrimage to Europe in 1874 was an exciting opportunity. He had saved up the money from sucessful business dealings in his younger days and jumped at the chance to see and celebrate Mass in some of the world's most famous churches.
One of those was the Basilica of Notre-Dame des Victoires. Not as well known as some of the other stops on the pilgrimage, this particular shrine would change the life of Nelson forever. After visiting, he left inspired by Mary and made a promise to spread devotion to her under the title of Our Lady of Victory for the rest of his days. And he did exactly that!
During his priesthood, nearly every decision he made came after consulting with his patroness. Father Baker directly credited her with all of the works for which he would become renowned -- expanding his insititions for the needy, opening the Infant Home, building the Basilica, etc. When asked how he accomplished so much with such limited resources, he would smile and say: "She did it all!"
Prayer to Our Lady of Victory
O Victorious Lady, I confidently invoke you as the health of the sick. You are the loving mother, especially of those who are blessed with a cross of sickness. Look upon me in my suffering and have pity on me. I humbly plead for this special request:
(mention your petition here).
Our Lady of Victory, I beg you to present my petition to your divine Son. If you will pray for me, you will not be refused, for your prayers before God are all powerful. Through your hands I offer to God every suffering I must bear. Make every pain an act of love for God, an act of atonement for my sins, and an act meritorious for the salvation of souls, especially my own. Teach me patience and resignation to the holy will of your divine Son. I beg you to grant my prayer.
V. Pray for us, Our Lady of Victory, health of the sick.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Father Baker’s Prayer To Our Lady of Victory
O Victorious Lady! Thou who has ever such powerful influence with thy Divine Son, in conquering the hardest of hearts, intercede for those for whom we pray, that their hearts being softened by the rays of Divine Grace, they may return to the unity of the true Faith, through Christ, our Lord.
Litany to Our Lady of Victory
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us,
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.
The response for all of the followings is: Pray for us.
Our Lady of Victory,
Victorious daughter of the Father,
Victorious Mother of the Son,
Victorious Spouse of the Holy Spirit,
Victorious servant of the Holy Trinity,
Victorious in your Immaculate Conception,
Victorious in crushing the serpent’s head,
Victorious over all the children of Adam,
Victorious over all enemies,
Victorious in your response to the Angel Gabriel,
Victorious in your wedding to St. Joseph,
Victorious in your birth of Christ,
Victorious in the flight to Egypt,
Victorious in your exile,
Victorious in your home at Nazareth,
Victorious in finding Christ in the temple,
Victorious in the mission of your Son,
Victorious in His passion and death,
Victorious in His Resurrection and Ascension,
Victorious in the Coming of the Holy Spirit,
Victorious in your sorrows and joys,
Victorious in your glorious Assumption,
Victorious in the angels who remained faithful,
Victorious in the happiness of the saints,
Victorious in the message of the prophets,
Victorious in the testimony of the patriarchs,
Victorious in the zeal of the apostles,
Victorious in the witness of the evangelists,
Victorious in the wisdom of the doctors,
Victorious in the deeds of the confessors,
Victorious in the triumph of all holy women,
Victorious in the faithfulness of the martyrs,
Victorious in your powerful intercession,
Victorious under your many titles,
Victorious at the moment of death.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy, O Lord.
V: Pray for us, blessed Lady of Victory
R: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
Our Lady of Victory, we have unshaken confidence in your influence with your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Humbly we ask your intercession for all of us associated under your title, Our Lady of Victory.
We beg your powerful assistance also for our own personal needs. (Please mention here your special intention in your own words.) In your maternal kindness please ask Jesus to forgive all our sins and failings, and to secure His blessings for us and for all the works of charity dedicated to your name. We implore you to obtain for us the grace of sharing Christ’s victory and yours forever in the life that knows no ending. May we join you there to praise forever the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, one God for all ages to come. Amen.
Click below to learn more about the organizations that have evolved from the work of Venerable Nelson Baker and his patroness decades ago:
- OLV Human Services - caring for 10,000-12,000 children and families in need each year
- OLV Charities - providing material and spiritual support for OLV Human Services, OLV National Shrine & Basilica, Father Baker's Cause for Canonization and Camp Turner